How to Cure a Cigar Humidor

They say an aged cigar is as good as aged wine – just wonderful. For a seasoned cigar smoker, the preservation of flavor and the freshness of a cigar is of utmost importance. Even though good-quality cigars have already been fermented, aged, and preserved, for enhanced pleasure, you can do it at home as well.

Preserving and prolonging the life of cigars for those who like to store in bulk quantity is possible with the use of a humidor. This little container box is a lifesaver as it assures the maintenance of the right levels of temperature and humidity necessary for a good-tasting cigar.

However, before popping your precious cigars in a humidor, you must do some prep work. This is called curing or seasoning a cigar humidor.

How to Prepare a Humidor for Curing or Seasoning

The humidification system in a humidor is what keeping your cigars in a balanced environment. If it is not cured correctly, it will do the opposite of what it is meant to do. Here are a few reasons why it’s essential to cure a humidor before storing cigars in it.

  • Doesn’t rob the wood of moisture rather provides it directly
  • Stops the humidor from stealing moisture from the cigars
  • Prevents the growth of mold and risk of warping

How to Cure a Cigar Humidor 1

Preparation Material

You’ll need a few items to prep your humidor for seasoning. Whether your humidor is new or old, never put cigars in it without seasoning. Curing your humidor is not rocket science, and all you’ll need is distilled water, a sponge, an old cloth or rag, and a plastic bag. You’ve gathered your items, but before starting, you’ll need to calibrate your hygrometer. A hygrometer is a component in a humidor that tells you about the humidity levels inside the container.

Calibrating Your Hygrometer

There are many ways you can calibrate the hygrometer, but the simplest way is to take warm water and damp a towel. Now wrap the hygrometer in the towel and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Calibrate the hygrometer to read 95 to 97% after removing the towel. If it already reads 95 to 97%, you don’t need to calibrate it, and you can use it as it is.

Another way of calibrating your hygrometer is by performing a salt test. Take one tablespoon of salt and a small amount of water and mix it in a bottle cap. Put the hygrometer and the bottle cap in a plastic bag and leave for 8 to 12 hours approximately. After the time has passed, check the reading and which should be exactly 75% if not, then adjust the dial to read exactly 75%.

Cleaning the Humidor

After calibration, take a damp cloth or sponge (only use distilled water) and thoroughly wipe down all the wood, lids and trays inside the humidor. Remember, do not oversaturate the humidor, so avoid directly pouring water into it and simply use a cloth.

Make sure that the cloth or sponge you are using is new and clean so that no dirt or residue is left inside. Also, don’t soak the sponge too much because you only need a dark layer of enough water to dampen the wood.

Soaking the Humidifier

Humidifiers are small and circular and come along with most humidors, but if not, then you can order them separately. What you need to do is to remove the humidifier and submerge it completely in a bowl of distilled water. Make sure you use only distilled — not tap water, or any other kind. Leave it in the water for about 2 to 3 minutes facedown.

Remove the humidifier and wipe away any excess water. Now take a plastic bag and line the bottom of your humidor with it. Next, dampen a new sponge in distilled water and place it on top of the plastic bag.

Install Humidifier and Hygrometer

Put the humidifier and hygrometer back into the humidor, and place the container in a safe space for about 12 to 24 hours. After 12 to 24 hours, you’ll need to repeat the process. After another 24 hours, the reading of your hygrometer should be between 65 to 75%, and the inside of the humidor should be dry.

If you get a reading between these numbers, then you are good to go and can add your cigars. However, if the reading is off, then close the humidor and give it more time.

Final Thoughts

Now you know how to cure a cigar humidor. Once the humidor is cured, it will keep your cigars in perfect shape, ready for your next experience.

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